Thursday, November 12, 2009


Just ranted to my friend about the stuff bothering me (summarized) and its cool enough that the person doesn't know some of the people I'm talking about, or any clue about the exact situation.

It just felt good to be ranting like that because it wouldn't be nice to rant to somebody who knows the people/situation if you get what I mean.

"but you just want someone there, to know that someone is there".

To know that someone will be there when you get out of bed in the morning, when you sleep at night. Just someone that will be there to talk to you everyday no matter what, or be there for you.

Its insecurity. I hate it when I don't have a best friend. I don't care about having a whole lot of friends, I just want a few who are super duper close to me but I don't think I do. At least not so anymore

The more I should just wait for people to talk to me, at least I know who bothers.

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